Sunday, July 5, 2009

Lucy has arrived!

We picked her up on Friday and I am pleasantly surprised by how well it's going. She is a very gentle, smart pup with just the right amount of far. Only one accident in the house in the two days we've been home. And aside from some whimpering in the crate every few hours at night, she seems to be getting used to it. The kids have been great with her. Sweat Pea is very involved in taking care of her - loves to walk and feed her. JJ is very fond of her but not as interested in her every move and is happy enough just saying hello to her every so often and then going back to whatever it is he doing. Here are some comments they have expressed over the past two days about getting Lucy:

"I feel like I'm dreaming."

"I have waited my whole life for this."

"This is like a good dream."

"Thank you so much for getting Lucy. I guess it will be a while before we get any other presents, right?"

"Do we have any money left after buying Lucy."

"She licked me. She LOVES me."

So even if we have our moments of "what the fuck have we done?" it's clearly worth it. (But just for the record, I haven't really thought that. Really.)

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