I cannot wait for vacation. It's even worth (I'm pretty sure) all the SHIT we have to do to get ready. All the laundry, all the shopping, and dealing with the dog. Oh, the dog.
We almost did not get Lucy because we knew we'd have to go away shortly after getting her and unfortunately the people we rented the house from would not allow us to bring her. But we decided we'd figure it out and well, there is no good time to get a dog - things always come up. So we took the leap and just did it. Very uncharacteristic of us.
After the having Lucy for a few weeks, we asked the breeders we got her from if they'd take her for the two weeks we were to be away. Although it would mean
schlepping her to CT, we thought it would be worth it since they are GREAT and we'd knew she'd be well taken care of.
But as time went on, I was feeling stressed about the schlep and the time it was going to take. So I set out to find someone local. And we did. I was thrilled. Until yesterday. Lucy had a vet appointment to get a shot, and turns out she has some parasite that can be contagious to other dogs so the person who was supposed to take her will not since she also runs a pet day care.
UGH! I was already feeling
pre-vacation anxiety with all we have to do. (I realized this is all for VACATION and really need not be stressful but that is not how my mind works, unfortunately for me!) So I spent most of the night freaking out about how this was our vacation, and how we have to have our vacation, blah blah blah. Jonathan wanted to kill me, and my kids may now need therapy.
We made several calls to potential people who could take her, and I sent an e-mail to the breeders to see if they'd still be willing to take her. But as of the time I went to bed, which was early because I felt the need to put myself out of my
pitty state, nobody had called back.
I am happy to report, this morning Jonathan found someone from work to take her. And because I think now feel like the other shoe is going to drop, I also have the breeders lined up as back up, which they were more than willing to do. Thank the lord!
So now, all I have to do is mounds of laundry and packing and count the minutes until I can sip on my cocktail while sitting on the beach.
Ahhhhhhh, I can practically smell the salt air!